Tugs of the void inspiration of an idea  of a slime lurking in garbage. Had other ideas like adding a power up to make him to a cute trash bag but still learning. It's a bit buggy with the platforming like on the edges of platforms. Couldn't provide enemy attack or killing an enemy yet. The game is hard, would advise to use the dash wisely.

Refresh the page if you reach the end screen of reaching the void.

Controls: Arrows to move (WASD is there but it'll be a weird position to put yourself in)

crtl: dash can be only use once until you hit the ground. (you can combo it with jump or the arrows)

Space: typical jump

Shift: if you hold shift you can cling to the walls and go up or down (a bit buggy getting to the edges of platforms so don't expect to be able to always cling to the top.) Pause: pressing the P key will pause the game.

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